Our Partners

We partner with companies that match our values and deeply care about their environmental impact.

Zacharias Theofanous

Zacharias is a highways engineer with 11 years of experience working in diverse civil engineering projects. He has an extensive technical ability in transport and highway engineering with strong theoretical and practical background. His experience includes in depth knowledge of UK Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), High Speed 2 (HS2) and Smart Motorways Programme (SMP) standards, particularly in the areas of highways geometric design, grade separated junctions and Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS) and an extensive site and practical experience within the broad construction industry. He has also planning, management and collaboration skills and excellent understanding of the design process.

Andreas Theofanous

Andreas is a Transport Engineer with 12 years of experience & specific technical knowledge and understanding in traffic engineering and transport modelling. Broad experience in modelling software packages including VISSIM, ARCADY, PICADY, LinSig and QuickGreen. Proficient in the use of AutoCAD and CAD tools including Autotrack, as well as spreadsheets and database packages. Conversant with the UK Standards including Design Manual for Roads & Bridges (DMRB), Traffic Signs Manual, Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) and Transport Analysis Guidance (TAG) Unit 3.1 Highway Assignment Modelling.

Partner with us

If you want to partner with us on a highway & drainage engineering project that strives to make a minimal environmental impact, please get in touch with us at
